
CO2Bio AS was established in order to develop biomass from microalgae, using a supply of CO2 from Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM). The process is based on photosynthesis, which requires natural and artificial light, nutrients and temperate water. The company is also responsible on behalf of the University of Bergen (UiB) for operating the National Algae Pilot (NAM).

CO2Bio AS uses its facility for the purposes of creating new, commercial activity at Mongstad, with a focus on sustainability, symbiosis and the circular economy. This includes creating products for the aquaculture industry, which has significant need for omega-3 fatty acids. However, CO2Bio AS is also open to other uses for its biomass.

More about CO2Bio

National AlgaePARK Mongstad (NAM)

The University of Bergen has built the National AlgaePARK Mongstad (NAM), the largest facility of its kind in Norway.

The facility includes a greenhouse where photobioreactors are used to produce algal biomass, together with an operational building. This contains, among other things, a laboratory and harvesting room where an advanced separator is used to dehydrate the biomass. Seawater and CO2 is delivered from TCM.

The facility is used for R&D, and it can be hired in order to test out technical solutions involving algae.

More about National AlgaePARC Mongstad